Friday, August 8, 2008

Bush calls for freedom of speech in China

I agree with President George W. Bush that the Chinese people should be given  more freedom of speech by the Chinese government. It is simply not right that these people are given so much restrictions to the point that they can't even choose a religion outside of those government-approved. This is already a violation of human rights. For years, China has been very controversial and have met many protests on the different ways it deprives its people from certain human rights. China claims to have lessened the communism it used to have and its control on its people, but we continue to see many violations, most of which came out as we got closer to the Beijing Olympics. The Chinese Government should lessen the repression and let people say what they think. Their aggressive policies no longer suite our modern world today. If China wants to move forward and become the most powerful country, they must first alleviate communism and think of what's best for their citizens. 

Since this year's Olympics will be held in Beijing, China has received a great amount of pressure from the world. All its mistakes and downfalls are being noticed incredibly. One of which is the issue on Tibet. China should prove to the world that they can change and that they can be different. They should be open to the suggestions of the world community regarding their policies. China should not impose Internet restrictions on journalists and impose censorship on the media covering the Beijing Olympics. This is a worldwide event! They shouldn't have signed up for it in the first place if they weren't ready for this commitment of opening their selves up to the world.

1 comment:

thenotsolittlejialong said...

i agree with you, hope that the president of china, Mr. Hu, jindao will able to read your comment and do agree with you also