Saturday, November 15, 2008

Classical music stimulates young minds


I was not aware that they removed music in the curriculum of some public schools. I personally think it is wrong because even if many people think that music is something that people should not take seriously, i still believe that we should respect that field. Music is a part of our tradition and it became an essential part of the Philippines and it remain in the curriculum of Public school students.

The study of classical music stimulation young minds is not new to us. There are many previous studies and proven research on how classical music affect the behavior of people. Many also attempted to prove this theory and they were not wrong. I can very relate with this also because my thesis on my high school involves classical music being played on hospital patients and there really are results. So doing the same with public school students "may" improve their learning environment. This may also encourage students to pursue music and develop their skills. Some of the students may have hidden talent and they may use music in order to make their lives more productive.


baller-ina said...

I do agree that classical music stimulates the mind. Music has been part of my life since I was kid, I listen to all kinds of music including classical. I most often listen to classical music whenever I study for my finals cause I feel more relaxed and more calm, and it stimulates my brain to work more. So I recommend classical music when studying, although its kinda boring at first, people will really learn to appreciate at the end.

mcluvin said...

No offense but I think that there are other things that are more important to learn about than classical music. People who go to public schools are the less fortunate so I think that they should focus more on things that they can use in the real world like math and the English language. Music should be an optional subject for those who are really talented and are capable of having music as their career in the future.

blood type O said...

Though I am also a music lover, I do agree that music subject should be taken out of the currculum to give way to more important subjects such as math and science. Only a few people are really gifted with music. So my proposition is for it to be optional. Those students who are inclined to or who are willing to pursue this field should just create a music club or join an existing musical organization.