Sunday, November 9, 2008

Poverty, hunger prevent Filipino kids from getting basic education

Source :

It is sad to see that children are not able to study due to poverty. It is indeed tradegy if the children are not able to study even though they are eager to study however if the children are not interested in studying then it would be different. Belows are quote. You may see this at the cite where I read it (GMANEWS).

"Citing data from the National Statistics Office 2003 Functional Literacy, Education, and Mass Media Survey, the study said the top reason of people aged 6-24 for not attending school is employment or “looking for work," with almost one-third or 30.5 percent citing that reason. Lack of personal interest came in second at 22 percent, while the high cost of education came in a close third at 19.9 percent. Other reasons include, among others, housekeeping, illness or disability, failure to cope with school work, and distance from school."

I think it is government and people's responsibility to give children, who are eager to study but not able to study due to lack of money, the opportunity to have an education properly. For those who are not interested in studies, the author of article said the adults should provide them good teaching quality, good infrastructure, etc so that they would regain their interest in study. However I don't think they have to aid the children who are not interested in their studies. Since there are not enough resources to help all the poor children, the government should focus on only children who are eager to carve out their own fortune. It would be waste if they try to help the children who are not interested in studies. I know they wouldn't have interests in their studies even if the people provide them good teaching quality and etc. If there is a child who really wants to be successful in the future, he/she will try to study regardless of the quality of education, infrastructure, supplies.

Because it is almost impossible (actually not almost but indeed impossible) to give every poor children a proper education, the department of education and government should try to find the children who are talented which can be alternative for that. It would be so regrettable if the country lose the children who might be competent person due to the poverty. So I think it would be good idea if they make a certain test to find out talented children who have a full potential. There can be other alternatives for finding potential children. What I want to say is that it is better to focus on the minority which is more practical and easy. To help all the poor children in the philippines is merely idealistic and could hardly accomplished.

I was trying to be critical for this topic because if I'm not critical for this issue it might make me to say merely "it would be good if and only if we could help all the children who are suffering from poverty." I wanted to find a best solution for this and that's why my tone in this writing sounds stinging. Anyway this is my last post and thank you for reading this :P


neekymow said...

Education is a basic right for all of us, and it is pitiful to know that here in our country, many are unable to acquire a good and decent education, and one of the main reasons is poverty. We have to face it that it is getting really worse, and I think that the government does only some diminutive actions about it, and it’s the NGOs who are taking actions to it. Because of poverty, poor families don’t really set the education of their children as a top priority, after all, they would want to simply be able to eat and earn daily income. With that, the government or the Department of Education should allocate a larger amount when it comes to this matter, particularly those children who have the potential of being a scholar or those who are academically rich. As the saying goes, “Ang katabataan ay ang pag-asa ng bayan”.

asdqwe said...

Its hard to admit that the educational system here in our country is awful. The government isn't that effective in providing a solution for the illiteracy rate here in the Philippines. Though efforts have been made, i don't think that its enough to give these children a quality education that they need.

It is very evident in public schools wherein students don't even have their own books to study. They are jammed in one room, which I think isn't really conducive for learning.

Maybe the root cause of this problem is really poverty. Parents especially in rural areas prefer their children to work at a young age, to be able to help in earning money. This kind of situation isn't really ideal but their left with no choice.

anonymous said...

Education is a necessity for everyone. Education is a gateway for a better future. I think the government should provide eductaion to the less fortunate. Yes, there are public schools that offer education, but do they give sufficient knowledge? Through this, the government should improve the teachers. Fortunately, there are schools and universities that provide the less fortunate with education during night time.

mouse said...

Education means the status of a country. This is needed by all people but since the government can not afford to help all, the government should at least provide elementary education.

There are many students who are desiring to study but they are just working to earn money. It is pitiful that parents do not afford to send them to school. I think government should do something for this or it will seem that it is all right not to study.

chupi said...

With families earning less than a dollar here in the Philippines, its is normal to them to not even experience how to go to a school and learn. Most of them would say that they rather use their money for food which is logical since how will you be able to study with a hungry stomach? Even if the government offers free public schooling, it is not enough to convince struggling Filipino families to send their kids to school. Clearly poverty and hunger hinders Filipino kids from having the education which they are entitled to. I feel its not ONLY the fault of the government that kids don't get to study but also the delinquency of some parents giving up already on poverty and hunger. I am still optimistic that in time all Filipino kids will have the luxury of studying.

jc89 said...

It is true that education is one of the most important things in life. Having a proper education could make our future more secure. Unfortunately, a lot of children in the Philippines lack this opportunity, i believe that this problem is mainly caused by their parents. It is the parents' responsibility to give their children proper care and education. True, poverty is a reason for them not to be able to educate their children; but since they are already aware of this, shouldn't they stop making more babies?

The Kingdom said...

First, still exist all lot of poor children in the street without anything. they are always aslking for coins and foods... we should think about this kind of situation seriously. the article says that many poor childrens does not have motivation to study so Goverment need to qualifying them to support. Actually i do not agree with this opinion. i think they could not have any opportunity to study dur to poverty... they always live with hunger.. so they try to get out of hunger so find a work first because their realistic.. the goverment must provide them minimum supports to have opportunities.

pinkdoodle said...

Education is really important. it is so sad that majority of Filipino kids cant get even the basic education because of poverty. To think that we should be able to mold or kids because someday they will be the rulers of this country. what will happen to us if our kids cant even read or write.

this kind of situation is very tough to solve. the thing is we should not always depend on the government for change. i think we should start in our own house. For example I think one of the main reasons of poverty is over population. if this can be solved I think other problems will be lessen like this lack of education problem.

baller-ina said...

Getting proper education is a necessity for all. The government should improve on the education system of the country, especially the public school sector. A lot of students who are studies in a public school doesn't really get quality education, they share their books and even their chairs. The government should improve on this. Why don't they copy the education system of the United States. I mean the US public schools are free but it has good quality. The government gets an ample amount of taxes from the citizens so why don't they prioritize the educational system here. The bottom line is that the government should do their best to improve the education quality of the country and to provide these kids with proper nutrition as well.

trojan said...

Education is very important in our lives. We should take it seriously, and government should do their job to provide quality and free education for the less fortunate.

pagaspas said...

Education is very important because this will shape the future of a person. Illiteracy leads to poverty so, the government should address to this problem because our country is has a poor educational system specifically in public schools where children are forced to share classrooms and other materials. The government should act on this immediately before it gets worse.

CCL03 said...

This is true. You can see this almost anywhere here in the philippines. Ofcourse hunger prevents filipino children from getting basic education. First of all almost everything you do, you should have money specially for education. And for poor people, if they can't afford food, how can they afford education. It's really basic. It's really hard to see an education that is free specially if it's for poor poele. Though it's sad, but it's true.